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How to get a scholarship
In the US, as in other democratic countries, the right to have an education must be guaranteed to anyone regardless of the socio-economic status of the student.

“The school is open to everyone. Lower education, given for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. The capable and deserving, even if deprived of means, have the right to reach the highest grades of studies. The Republic makes this right effective with scholarships, family allowances and other benefits, which must be awarded by competition ”.

The US public school is free and from 6 to 16 years old it is compulsory for everyone .

At the end of the compulsory period, the student can decide whether to continue their studies by taking the second degree diploma and then enroll at university or enter the world of work.

Students who decide to continue their training course, but do not have the financial possibilities, can apply for a scholarship to support the payment of the annual enrollment fees, i.e. an economic contribution that will allow them to complete their education.

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